the entire school was broken down into four teams: red, yellow, blue, and green.i came to the conclusion that the kids were able to sign up for the team they wanted to be on based on the fact that for the most part, friends were all on the same teams. for us foreign teachers, we were assigned to a color, and since there are four of us, we each got put onto a different team. beth was on yellow, yu long on blue, steinar red and i was on green.
a week before the even, bleachers went up in the courtyard corresponding to the colors of the teams. then a few days before, decorations started going up and i discovered that each team also had a theme. this became important when it came time for the parade and opening ceremony, with a torch and all.
usually the morning assembly starts off with a few songs and then the national anthem, after which we are able to leave to eat breakfast and prepare for the day. this day, we ate before the songs started. during breakfast, i was pulled away into the office where i was dressed by four teachers in a traditional thai costume so that i could march in the parade. i was unaware of this beforehand.
so as they finished dressing me, the parade was beginning, and i was thrown out and marched around the neighborhood, where i of course drew many stares and even some points because i was a farang in thai clothing with the school. i was actually surprised at how big of a deal the parade was, considering the school is so small in comparison to assumption right next door, but the kids got a lot of support, and that was really cool to see. when we got back to school, we stood in formation while some speeches were given and songs were sung, and then the torch was carried across the courtyard and the games could "begin."
however, a majority of the activities had been completed before the actual day, and started even before the holiday festivities began. on friday, the only activities that were actually carried out were the track and field events and dance competitions. still, there was always something going on and parents were there and the kids loved cheering and yelling at each other. it reminded me a lot of color wars. i spent most of the day taking pictures, but occasionally sat and cheered with my students on the green team.

green dresses dominated.
the runners had adults from their teams waiting for them at the finish line.
ice pops were essential in the cooling down process.
i know im not suppose to have favorites, but that one on the left, fifa, is just plain awesome.
as the races were ending, we started hearing our names being said in conversation, though we werent sure in context to what. we soon found out when it was announced over the speakers that the four of us would be racing, further establishing us as objects used for entertainment as opposed to actual teachers. but it was fun and fine and after we went, other teachers and parents did the same so it wasnt too bad.
the day concluded with trophy ceremonies and the blue team won in almost all categories. after that finished, all of the teams coming together to sing some songs and then, of course, the kings song was played to officially end the activities.
....but it was not the end of the day....
there is a holiday for teachers on the 16th of january, which was saturday. in celebration of it, the administrators (i.e. the kasintorn family) threw a party for the entire staff of the school.
there were skits and karaoke (of course) and speeches and poetic readings, all of which i couldnt really understand. we were sitting at a table with a group of teachers who are really nice, but dont really make an effort to bridge the communication gap. so, throughout our EIGHT course dinner, the four of us were pretty much left to ourselves, and honestly, i talk to them every single day, so there wasnt much to say.
after some people started leaving, steinar and i moved over to the table with the teachers we had gone to the waterfall with and talked to more frequently. earlier in the dinner, one of the teachers came in carrying a case of bottles of thai whiskey, which im still unsure as to if this was provided by the kasintorns or not, but people ha been drinking casually throughout dinner. once we moved over to the other table though, the courtyard at our primary school became a scene akin to that of any pub, anywhere (but more likely in asia because of the karaoke still happening in the background.) and i was even getting toasted by the mother of the twins i tutor, as her husband is the son of the kasintorns and principal at another one of their schools.
we stayed at the school until we were told to leave, and a bunch of us came back to our place and hung out in steinars room until people started falling asleep. it had been awhile since i hung out with the teachers at our school, and now that ive decided to stay at my school through the next term, i was happily reminded of how much fun they can be.
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