i havent really been posting this week because of two things: first, im getting settled into the routine that has become my new life here in thailand, and second, because im quite homesick this week since i will be missing thanksgiving.
so, i decided for my post, i would make two lists: one of things im missing, and one of things i am thankful for.
first, what i am missing:
-some food: like thanksgiving dinner. specifically, sweet potatoes, turkey and cranberry sauce. and pumpkin pie.

-cheese and juice too.

-fall. its my favorite season.

-internet at any second to calm me down with sporcle games and sudokus. and to download movies and tv shows with. and to vchat.
-talking with friends and family. (some of you could help this by sending me more messages!!!)

things i am thankful for:
-this experience.

-the new friends ive made here.
-(most of) my students.
-the school placement i got.
-not being the only english speaker where i live.
-internet, to stay in contact with the friends who keep up.
-7/11 and tesco for offering me things similar to what i could find at home.

-the weather starting to cool down for a bit.
-payday is next week.

-going to the post office today to pick up my first package, which includes my camera.

-the lady at the market who sells salads and is there every day.
added bonus: the fact that my first two classes are canceled today because a monk is here teaching the kids how to wai and pray properly. of course, i just found this out as i went to the classroom. but because of said monk, i was able to write this post and find pretty pictures.
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