Thursday, March 11, 2010

too many goodbyes

being one of the people that has to stay and see everyone off isnt fun. its been making me homesick and uneasy about what the next term will hold. its not as if i will be meeting new people to replace the ones that are leaving, because besides the fact that many of them are irreplaceable, i met them during my training course, and im not doing that again. my school is not getting any new teachers, so the chances of meeting new people are very low.

with each 'last night' that comes along, it becomes harder and harder to say goodbye to people. our group isnt as close now as it once was, but these people have made my time in thailand more than i thought it ever could be. when i am finished traveling and return to bangkok and the routine of next semester, it is going to be so different not having people to text all day or meet up with for dinner or go out with in the city on the weekends or travel to other towns with.

amy left for traveling weeks ago, but after a few days, she was in a motor bike accident and needed to go home to get an operation, which was awful bad luck. we have already said bye to the boys, and tuesday we said bye to emily. tonight is our LAST last night. i have to say goodbye to too many people and dont know when or even if i will see them again. and the hardest goodbye of all is tonight as well, a miss bee-tan will be leaving for travels on monday, but since i leave for korea tomorrow, tonight is the last time i will be seeing her :( surely, buckets and tears will be plentiful.

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