Tuesday, February 16, 2010


just a series of random statements about my life or from my observations here in thailand, which i either cannot or dont want to contribute an entire post to on their own.

-i dont understand why ALL of the parents have the SAME laugh for when their children ignore our 'good mornings' and simply walk by us.
-ive gotten really good at killing mosquitoes in mid air.
-i still cannot bring myself to eat chicken feet. or crushed up bones curries.
-i spend more money on the weekends i stay in bangkok than when i travel to other parts of thailand.
-kids still get nervous over here for speaking exams even though they know they CANNOT fail. seriously, i have to give them at least 50%.
-i will think again before getting another oil massage.
-taxi drivers who try to take advantage of white farangs need to learn how to tell when the said white people actually live here and know of their schemes.
-some people have surprised me in how well they have kept in touch with me while ive been over here, while others have let me down.
-its crazy how easily we meet people who went through ati at other times or place.
-ive changed a lot since ive been over here.
-there are still moments when the though of "omg, im actually living in thailand" overtakes me.
-the people who living in the building next to my apartment building just got two puppies, and that makes me so happy :]

*the title of this post is also a reference to the song by the same name by sigur ros, which i have recently become slightly obsessed with, especially on beach weekends

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