Thursday, November 26, 2009

a rant.

im really grumpy today. i didnt think i would be, seeing as theres nothing here to remind me that it is thanksgiving back at home, but i think thats the point. there is NOTHING here to remind me that it is thanksgiving. at least other holidays get acknowledged. and im in a really bad mood.

i have been searching since last week for a place to go in or near bangkok to find something resembling an american turkey dinner for all of us to enjoy. turns out, since they know it could and would only be americans (read:farangs) wanting such a meal, they have hiked up the prices. thats fine, a buffet can still be found for 800-900 baht, or just under $30. id be willing to pay that. but apparently the rest of our group is not as homesick for thanksgiving as me and would rather not spend such an "outrageous" amount.

so most of the rest of the group rallied around that mentality and decided they would rather spend thanksgiving with everyone than have a turkey dinner. i want both. i dont care if thats selfish. some of the people who were saying it was too expensive are not even from the u.s. so i can either eat thai food like every other meal and be with everyone, or have a thanksgiving feast and be alone. a lose-lose situation.

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